Employment Fraud Alert
Ecolab has been alerted to a fraud related to offers of employment to work from home or online.
The fraud presents individuals with an unexpected offer of employment to work for Ecolab, delivered by mobile text, online via instant message tools such Yahoo Messenger or Google Chat or by email. The fraudulent offer informs individuals they are “hired” and will receive a check for “software” or other necessities to work from home. In some cases, the criminals will attempt to schedule online chat sessions disguised as interviews in order to obtain sensitive personal and financial information. Once the check is received and deposited, the criminals will ask individuals to send their account numbers and bank deposit confirmation.
Please be advised that Ecolab would never request monetary funds or a payment in any form, including advance purchases, from an applicant or employee.
Please do not make contact with the originators of this fraud, and please be careful not to send payment, personal information or documents. If you have already provided personal information to any contacts associated with this type of email, letter or website, we recommend that you discontinue all communications immediately and contact your local authorities for advice on how to protect your personal information and privacy.
If you received an offer of employment you suspect as being fraudulent and would like to check its validity, please email careers@ecolab.com and type “Suspected Employment Offer Fraud” in the subject line.
For individuals in the United States, the following link may be useful in protecting yourself further: http://www.usa.gov/topics/consumer/scams-fraud.shtml. (Ecolab is not responsible for the content of this site.) For individuals outside of the U.S., check with your local authorities for resources to report and/or for further protection.